
Your students prefer to text.

Do you text them back?

Recruit Faster, Retain Better, Advance Further using Texting

Leverage texting automation and trigger workflow that is easy for your team to manage throughout the student lifecycle.

Effectively help Faculty and Staff using Texting

Create simple texting user experiences for operational effectiveness. Make your organization's focus students success and research excellence.

Bank on texting convenience for advancement opportunities

Advancement is a long term game that starts with engaging relationships and experiences during college. Create positive experiences that last a lifetime and increase alumni participation.

Recruit & Retain Students

Use the power of texting, videos and mobile to connect and engage

Reduce Applicant Drop Offs
Prevent Summer Melt
Get More Candidates
Measure Recruiting Channel Effectiveness
Increase Employee Engagement
Take Actions on What Matters

Text DEMO to 716-412-2133
to see the Grit Seed experience or click the button below